Archive Self Care - What The Red Herring - Page 5
Verbal Processing … Disorder

Verbal Processing … Disorder

One of the ways I stay anchored is verbal processing.

I don’t like that I need to talk through things out loud with another human in order to figure out how I feel or what I think.

I’d like to be self sufficient, but there are times that everything just builds up inside in a huge murky morass until I relent and the Chaplain submits to the maelstrom. 

Sabbath in the time of Corona

Sabbath in the time of Corona

These days, I’m missing respite.

We live several hours from our nearest relatives and have a spotty social network in our area (life is busy, and it’s hard to make new friends post-college), so each time we added to our family, it was with the assumption we’d be doing the parenting by ourselves.

Mostly, we have. The Chaplain and I figured out how to ask each other for what we needed to keep our tanks from running empty, and we made it work. That was when I had out-of-the-house activities a couple of times a week, and so did the Chaplain. Those out-of-the-house options narrowed to one during the pandemic: The Long, Solitary Walk.

If it had to be just one thing, the Long Solitary Walk is the best. But there comes a time in an introvert’s life when she just wants to be home alone. And when everyone has to stay home all the time, that just isn’t happening.

Last week, the Chaplain came home, saw my face, and offered to take the kids to the pool and leave me home.

It may have been my first time home alone since lockdown started.

Mediocrity in the Time of Corona

Mediocrity in the Time of Corona

I’ve been reading, discovering, planning, and sewing every day for the past few weeks. I made a beautiful project that I’m looking forward to sharing here, except I can’t seem to get around to taking photos of it completed.

I can’t gather steam to make any one of these activities come to anything.

I can’t read enough of any book to finish it. I can’t get past my sewing indecision to make the next project. The pressure coming from within to make something and prove my worth is ridiculous. And I mean ridiculous because of the pressure’s intensity, and also ridiculous that I feel I have to prove my worth.

Brightening the Darkness

Brightening the Darkness

It’s that time again. Here are a few things that provided a good escape this past week:

1.  Adventure movies with dubious plot lines.

Five Things Bringing Joy During Quarantine

Five Things Bringing Joy During Quarantine

I already did a little round-up of things that were making me smile, and I wanted to do another post with a few more things that have brought me joy or kept me afloat lately.