I give the following books the highest praise my home can offer – both my kids and I loved each story.
It’s that time of year again. Tomorrow is the first day of Black History Month. Here are four books to read to your kids. Don’t be afraid to take your time with these, and to sit with discomfort as you answer your kids’ questions.
It’s Native American History Month.
At the beginning of this year, I published a list of books by Native American authors to introduce kids to the original inhabitants of our country. People who were abused in every way, and yet survived and are still telling their stories.
Here are three more titles to read with your kids.
Back when I was on FB, it was pretty easy to make the decision only to connect with people I knew in real life. On IG, it’s a little easier to slowly add folks who have interesting style, pursuits, or perspectives. So there are quite a few people on my feed who I don’t know personally.
That’s a little weird for me. I like that I can connect and be inspired creatively by these folks, but sometimes they share their opinions and then I quietly set my phone down and have an existential crisis.
It’s that time again, where there are three books sitting next to my laptop, waiting to be shared, but they have nothing in common.
Come along! There is fiction, nonfiction, and beautifully illustrated science, coming right up.