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The Littles Marie Kondo Their Dad’s Drawers

The Littles Marie Kondo Their Dad’s Drawers - What The Red Herring
The Littles Marie Kondo Their Dad’s Drawers

My two middle littles are often up to no good. At 5 and 6 and a half, they are always scheming and dreaming, and don’t always think about the consequences. Consequences of things like, pouring water in a trash can with apple cores and diapers in it and letting it sit for a week (talk about a home brew), or drawing tiny people with speech bubbles above their heads that say “Mom” on the trim work all over the house, or bringing a little container full of bugs into the house and losing track of it.

Then, sometimes they come up with fantastic ideas. Like the quiet time last week when they completely detailed their room, including dumping out drawers, refolding everything, and putting it away in neat little stacks. I was so impressed, I told their dad. He then congratulated them and offered to have them organize his drawers for a little cash.

I mentioned in this post that my husband has admired my drawers since I did Marie Kondo, but he never was able to find the time to do his own. I didn’t feel like I wanted to get him started. I fold most of his clothes and know how tedious konmari folding is. I didn’t want to have to do it for two people.

I was glad that his drawers were getting a shape-up. And while I would need to supervise, I wouldn’t have to be directly involved.

The morning after the kids got the green light, they were knocking on my door before I was out of bed.

Soon, I had laid blankets on the floor to create a work area, and had given them a quick crash course on folding.

The kids carefully folded everything and organized it in the drawers. I helped by tightening screws on the dresser, assisted them in vacuuming out drawers, and offered direction when they encountered an item they didn’t know how to fold.

They had a blast.

Not all the housework I ask the kids for help with is met with such enthusiasm. In fact, this past week, I had to fire my housekeeper. But I must say, I truly enjoy the moments when they work with gusto and enjoy it for its own sake.

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  • Kathy Furnuss says:

    I love it! What a great way to channel their energy!

  • Laurel says:

    Love this so much. And am dying laughing that you did indeed have to fire your housekeeper. I know someone whose mom hired a housekeeper to come clean her (the daughter’s) house weekly while she was raising her kids. Best gift ever.

    • Laura G says:

      That does sound amazing. I am still a little heartbroken about firing him even though I know it was the right thing to do. It served a good purpose for the 16 months that it lasted.