The Austen Escape

The Austen Escape

After I read The Brontë Plot, I started The Austen Escape, by Katherine Reay. I thought my mom had recommended both, but when I mentioned the second book to her, she said she hadn’t read it. She’d read two titles by this author, and I misremembered* them when I looked the author up later to request books from the library.

But no matter! Because while I enjoyed The Brontë Plot, The Austen Escape was even better.

The Four Loves

The Four Loves

I have no less than five C.S. Lewis books on my to-read pile right now: The Great Divorce, The Problem of Pain, The Four Loves, The Screwtape Letters, and there is a revolving cast of other titles that come into fifth place, depending on my mood. For instance, Mere Christianity could use a re-read. Also, I was ambivalent towards Until We Have Faces, which I read for a course in college. But I saved my copy, which means I thought I would come back to it. I wonder if a little maturity would lend a different perspective if I were to give it another try.

The Chaplain has the audio book of The Four Loves. When I noticed it was only two hours long, I knew I needed to listen to it before I tried to read any of Lewis’ other works.

MORE Brené Brown?! Yes. It’s Time To Dare Greatly.

MORE Brené Brown?! Yes. It’s Time To Dare Greatly.

After reading three other Brené Brown books, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to dive in for more. Is there anything she could say that I hadn’t gotten from the other books? There had already been some overlap between them; my reading pile is so high. I wasn’t sure if I had mental space for more.

But I made space for Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. And Brown filled in the missing pieces of the shame puzzle, fleshing everything out into a tough, but satisfying meal.

There were parts of all three of the other Brown books that really resonated with me, but I found this one to be the most valuable and applicable to me overall.

An unexpected benefit was the parenting section.

What’s That You’re Wearing?

What’s That You’re Wearing?

One evening not too long ago, we did our twice weekly walk at the riverside bike/hike trail. It’s something we’ve been doing for a couple of months now. Our four Littles are used to it, even if they don’t always enjoy every moment. We’ve cobbled together a combination of scooters and strollers, snacks and water bottles, wet wipes and even a first aid kit. It works for us most days.

Even with all the supplies we bring, that there are always a few places on the walk when someone isn’t happy. Everyone has their moments, but usually, it is Six. He doesn’t like any situation where he isn’t in control, and he knows if he slows way down or refuses to continue, we have no choice but to either wait for him or try to cajole him into some alternative – whether it’s walking a little further, going a little faster, riding in a stroller for a bit, or taking a piggyback ride.

This particular time, he was at it again. We were very near the parking area after an especially long walk – we’d gone further down the trail than we ever had before, and all the kids were tired.

Six was fed up with walking and stopped off on the side of the trail and refused to go any further. If we weren’t in sight of the end of the trail, we would be around the next corner. Two bikers loaded down with gear bore down the path, riding side by side. One of them spoke loudly as he approached us where we walked, a hundred feet or so in front of Six on the trail.

All Twisted Up

All Twisted Up

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.

Matthew 6:28

When my senior prom was coming up, my mom took me, my favorite cousin, and my best friend Mac to a mall in Pennsylvania (where there isn’t any sales tax on clothing).

I don’t remember how many dresses I tried on, but I know that I would come out of the dressing room and if anyone on my team shook their heads “no” to the dress, I put it back on its hanger.

I still remember the looks on their faces as they unanimously voted yes to a navy blue number.

In a couple of weeks, I’m going to a semi-formal event.

I don’t have an entourage to take me to the mall or help me pick the right thing out of my own closet. And I really, really miss them.