Chandler Trousers and a self drafted tank

Chandler Trousers and a self drafted tank

I first saw the Untitled Thoughts Chandler Trousers on sandi204. It was May 2020. It took until May 2021’s Me Made May seeing Sandi AGAIN in her Chandlers to think, They look so good! I’m going to make those pants.

The Chosen Ones

The Chosen Ones

I’ve always really enjoyed books that play with time and space, and The Chosen Ones, by Veronica Roth, is at the intersection of many of favorite ideas and genres.

Thoughts on Gender

Thoughts on Gender

Over the course of the past year, participating in book clubs at my local library, one of the things that came up was video conferencing etiquette around pronouns. One of the moderators asked us to state our gender pronouns at the beginning of the call. I went with it that first time, but I felt really uncomfortable about it.



Any week, I could begin to tell you how I’m doing by saying I’ve been striving, and each week it would be no less true than the one before.

Today, many times, my eighteen year old son flew past the house on his motorized scooter wearing slides and no helmet, doing wheelies in the rain. I debated internally whether to call out to him to put a helmet on, and maybe proper shoes. He is of age, and he knows how I feel about safety.

I didn’t say anything.

Three Unrelated Books

Three Unrelated Books

It’s that time again, where there are three books sitting next to my laptop, waiting to be shared, but they have nothing in common.

Come along! There is fiction, nonfiction, and beautifully illustrated science, coming right up.