Thoughts - What The Red Herring - Page 26 Category
What To Do With Bad Vibes

What To Do With Bad Vibes

Trying to find a socially acceptable way to discharge negative emotions has been a lifelong quest for me.

As a high schooler, after watching the 1989 movie Dead Poets Society, I would regularly yawp out in nature when things got to be too much.

Since then, I’ve discovered swimming, live music, and waterfalls. All of those things are weather- and location-dependent, or “subject to availability.”

Sometimes I can let it all out in a meditation. I can’t plan an outcome for a meditation and expect success. That isn’t how it works for me. Often, when I’m at my most stressed, I’m also at my lowest functioning, and it’s really hard to be clear-headed about my options for de-escalation.

Have you been there?

Teen Parenting: And Now I Will Show You The Most Excellent Way

Teen Parenting: And Now I Will Show You The Most Excellent Way

Between the Chaplain, myself, and One’s bio dad, we are one 400 level course short of 9 college degrees (and One is the reason I didn’t finish that course), including three Masters  and an assortment of undergraduate degrees.

I always figured my kids would go to college. Both the Chaplain and I are readers and we both place a high value on education.

But for One, the shoe never really fit.

Independence Day

Independence Day

One of the first things I came across the morning of July 4th was this post on my Instagram feed from @themelanatedbirth:

While you’re out popping fireworks, lighting sparklers, and barbecuing with your friends today, I ask that you pause and reflect on the fact that the over 300,000 slaves that were brought to this country did NOT gain freedom on this day in 1776.
Think of the natives who were killed and displaced to colonize this country, so you can tell folks to “go back to where they came from”.
Likewise, consider all of the men, women, and children who are spending today in the horrible conditions that are the “detention” 🙄 camps….those people who have come to this country, not to steal, kill, and rape, but to provide better lives for their families.
Consider them as you scarf down those hot dogs and drink your beers because ‘Merica.

I was already having some real mixed feelings about this holiday.

Full Catastrophe Living

Full Catastrophe Living

The image shows the paperback version of Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness, by Jon Kabat-Zinn, but I actually ended up listening to the audiobook. The Chaplain recommended this book to me a little while ago. He didn’t say much about it. I just remember him telling me, “you should read it.” Since he doesn’t recommend many books to me and our reading interests don’t intersect much, I took him seriously.

Onward, Soldier. Or rather, Forward Shoulder?

Onward, Soldier. Or rather, Forward Shoulder?

If you follow me on Insta, you know that I participated in something called #memademay this year. This is an optional motivational tool and fun adventure for sewists who make their own clothes to wear what they’ve made and feature it on social media.

I don’t think most of my friends sew, so while I hope they didn’t get sick of seeing my face in May, there was also the bigger thing of maybe no one caring that I make my own clothes. And the sticky issue of who, exactly, our social media accounts are for.


Our friends?

Attention for us, from our friends?
