Thoughts - What The Red Herring - Page 18 Category
Red for Fire

Red for Fire

This past Sunday we celebrated Pentecost at church.

As a church worker, the Chaplain was familiar with the calendar and knew which week it was, so he would always wear the traditional red.

I would show up to Mass, flustered and with our pack of kids, and see a sea of red around me and feel angry because if I’d known, I’d have worn red, too. I love that sort of thing.

Why didn’t the Chaplain ever tell me, I wanted to know. Or even, just send me a link to the church calendar so I could find the information myself?

Newly Catholic, I know there are weeks we wear different colors to symbolize different things, but I don’t always know when, or even how to find the information.

This year, that running argument, our equivalent of who left the toothpaste cap off, was a complete non-issue.

Mediocrity in the Time of Corona

Mediocrity in the Time of Corona

I’ve been reading, discovering, planning, and sewing every day for the past few weeks. I made a beautiful project that I’m looking forward to sharing here, except I can’t seem to get around to taking photos of it completed.

I can’t gather steam to make any one of these activities come to anything.

I can’t read enough of any book to finish it. I can’t get past my sewing indecision to make the next project. The pressure coming from within to make something and prove my worth is ridiculous. And I mean ridiculous because of the pressure’s intensity, and also ridiculous that I feel I have to prove my worth.

Brightening the Darkness

Brightening the Darkness

It’s that time again. Here are a few things that provided a good escape this past week:

1.  Adventure movies with dubious plot lines.

A Spring Without Flowers

A Spring Without Flowers

I didn’t have to wait for spring to come this year. It came when it was supposed to. Maybe the winter was mild, maybe the anticipation of our trip to Tobago made the rest of the cold months go by faster.

The tulip and daffodil greens came up, and I saw buds forming. The forsythia bloomed. One lone daffodil bloomed earlier than all the rest. It was visible through the back windows of the house, and I checked on it each day, eventually watching it wilt, and waited for the others to bloom.

They never did.

Five Things Bringing Joy During Quarantine

Five Things Bringing Joy During Quarantine

I already did a little round-up of things that were making me smile, and I wanted to do another post with a few more things that have brought me joy or kept me afloat lately.