Storytelling - What The Red Herring - Page 33 Category
Traveling With Kids: The Mountaintop

Traveling With Kids: The Mountaintop

We left The Compound around 11 a.m. in two cars.

Despite many opportunities to join us, our oldest begged off. Roads here are narrow, winding, and frequently change elevation; even dramamine didn’t make a drive appealing to him.

We drove north to Castara, stopping along the way to see a little waterfall a short walk down a stairway, and just out of sight of the road.



For a long time, I thought I was a flexible person. I loved going new places, trying new foods, and meeting new people.

As time has passed, I have realized I am not that flexible.

Traveling with Kids: Getting There

Traveling with Kids: Getting There

I’ve read so many tips for easing travel with kids, and most of them involved mess or more work for the parents (individually wrapped gifts to be opened hourly on the flight, anyone?) And any parent knows that if your kid is having a certain kind of day, NOTHING you do is going to help.

With something like this, you just have to say a prayer and put on your game face.