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Mainstream News Fails To Cover March for Gaza in DC

Mainstream News Fails To Cover March for Gaza in DC

I attended March for Gaza on January 13, 2024 with six of my kids, along with thousands of other people. Imagine my surprise and disappointment when there was almost no news coverage of the event.

Even when I searched for coverage, anemic articles a couple of paragraphs long described the protest. Longer articles mentioned the DC event, but focused more on other protests that happened around the world the same day, particularly in Paris and London. Several articles implied that the DC protest was characterized by violence.

I was at the DC protest.

I will bear witness if the media won’t.



TMS had a way of teasing out my problems. I had been blaming my daily naps on rheumatoid arthritis, but it turns out a lot of it was depression. I do still have to take naps several times a week, but it is no longer a daily obligation. I never would have guessed depression was playing such a significant role in my full body shutdowns, although looking back, it does make sense.

TMS took care of the depression. My goofiness is back. I had kind of forgotten about it? This Laura laughs and is weird and silly. (I told you I wasn’t afraid of her.) On the other hand, I’m feeling my feelings all the time now.

Thin Skin

Thin Skin

My emotional cell membrane is vapor-thin these days. Everything makes me cry. Mainly the pain in the world, and there is a whole lot of that.

It feels like every interaction is a reminder of how difficult life is. Positive interactions make me cry because I can’t take kindness for granted anymore. Negative interactions make me cry, often because it’s frustrating when seemingly simple things are complicated because of rigid thinking or bureaucracy or both.

Jane Austen Retreat Weekend Fits, Day 3

Jane Austen Retreat Weekend Fits, Day 3

Finally, the last day of the retreat, Sunday. Since the majority of the programming is on Saturday, Sunday has a more relaxed schedule, so I went with a “casual” costume, which if you don’t costume probably seems silly when you see the photos.

Jane Austen Retreat Weekend Fits, Day 2A

Jane Austen Retreat Weekend Fits, Day 2A

One of the things I wanted to do this year at the retreat was a costumed swim. My friend L from Staten Island and I invited the rest of the group to make historic bathing costumes of any time period. We even had a slot in the schedule to meet at the dock for our swim.