Good Books - What The Red Herring - Page 12 Category
Brightening the Darkness

Brightening the Darkness

It’s that time again. Here are a few things that provided a good escape this past week:

1.  Adventure movies with dubious plot lines.

Five Things Bringing Joy During Quarantine

Five Things Bringing Joy During Quarantine

I already did a little round-up of things that were making me smile, and I wanted to do another post with a few more things that have brought me joy or kept me afloat lately.

Deadly Spin

Deadly Spin

Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out On How Corporate PR is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans, by Wendell Potter.

Maybe you’re thinking, why in the world would I want to read a book with a title like THAT during a pandemic?!

Well, here’s why.

Five Things That Made Quarantine A Little Easier

Five Things That Made Quarantine A Little Easier

I’m a homebody and an introvert, but being home all day, every day with my kids during lockdown with no breaks and almost no adult interaction beyond the Chaplain has been a hit to my mental health. Through it all, though, there have been little things that pepped me up when I was falling apart. Here are five of my favorites from the last week or so:

Books for Women, A Little Late

Books for Women, A Little Late

We celebrated Women’s History Month in March. If you’re like me, you might have missed it (along with St. Patrick’s Day, the first day of spring, and my sister’s birthday) with everything else that’s been going on.

The last day we visited our local library before it closed, there was a display by the registration desk full of books by women, and I picked up two. Oftentimes, when I “impulse buy” at the library, I have to return the books before I get to read them. These days are not like other days, and I am stuck indefinitely with the books I picked up on that last visit. I’ve slowly been making my way through them.