Good Books - What The Red Herring - Page 12 Category
Japanese American History for Kids: It Began With A Page

Japanese American History for Kids: It Began With A Page

My mom sent me this title sight unseen as part of a book care package during quarantine, and I’m excited to share it with you for a few reasons. (Also, if you are separated from loved ones as a result of quarantine and want to say “I love you” without having to use Zoom, a book care package is a fantastic idea).

It Began With A Page: How Gyo Fujikawa Drew the Way, by Kyo Mclear and Julie Morstad has all the ingredients of a good kids’ book.

Brightening the Darkness

Brightening the Darkness

It’s that time again. Here are a few things that provided a good escape this past week:

1.  Adventure movies with dubious plot lines.

Five Things Bringing Joy During Quarantine

Five Things Bringing Joy During Quarantine

I already did a little round-up of things that were making me smile, and I wanted to do another post with a few more things that have brought me joy or kept me afloat lately.

Deadly Spin

Deadly Spin

Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out On How Corporate PR is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans, by Wendell Potter.

Maybe you’re thinking, why in the world would I want to read a book with a title like THAT during a pandemic?!

Well, here’s why.

Five Things That Made Quarantine A Little Easier

Five Things That Made Quarantine A Little Easier

I’m a homebody and an introvert, but being home all day, every day with my kids during lockdown with no breaks and almost no adult interaction beyond the Chaplain has been a hit to my mental health. Through it all, though, there have been little things that pepped me up when I was falling apart. Here are five of my favorites from the last week or so: