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Five Things Bringing Joy During Quarantine

Five Things Bringing Joy During Quarantine - What The Red Herring
Five Things Bringing Joy During Quarantine

I already did a little round-up of things that were making me smile, and I wanted to do another post with a few more things that have brought me joy or kept me afloat lately.

1. Sandpaper Pedicure.

No, really. Get some scratchy sandpaper, go to town on your heels, and then moisturize. It’s wonderfully satisfying, and super cheap. If this grosses you out, instead try this video where a woman tries to explain the pandemic to her past self without getting too specific.

2. The local library’s online offerings.

Our public library has really stepped up to the plate with content on Goodreads, Book suggestions from their online collection (the link is to a video on Youtube where one of our librarians talks about what he’s been reading), adding a new app with additional content, and virtual reading groups. I haven’t been able to get into e-books (maybe because I don’t have an e-reader that looks like paper?) but I have enjoyed several audio books courtesy of my library’s recommendations, including….

3. The Sea of Lost Girls, by Carol Goodman.

It’s a mystery, and the author does a great job of making you feel like you know everything, then adding ANOTHER detail to make you wonder just how it will end. I’ve been listening to the audio book, and it is wonderful.

4. Adding photographers to my IG feed.

I added several photographers in my favorite cities/countries in Europe, and now my feed is awash in Old Europe’s charm, castles, deserted streets, spring foliage, and beautiful natural settings.

5. Solving problems.

My family’s been doing puzzles together online and in their homes while in quarantine. I’ve never been good (read: as good as my family) at puzzles. But there’s nothing like a challenge to keep your brain engaged when the world is scary and weird. For me, the challenge came in trying to follow instructions for a 1700’s pattern for a casual/workwear item called a bedgown. I finally figured out how to construct the neckline today and after waking and sleeping with the problem for days, and boy, did it feel good. It’s what I imagine finishing a regular puzzle feels like, not that I would know.

This list is pretty specific to my interests, but if it didn’t give you any ideas, did it make you think of something you discovered this past week that made you smile? What have you been doing lately that brings you joy?


The photo up top is one from my Netherlands trip.

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