Archive August, 2018 - What The Red Herring - Page 3
Babies, Sleep, and Society’s Perfection Parenting

Babies, Sleep, and Society’s Perfection Parenting

I co-slept with One from the time he was the size of a football, curled up like a kitten on my chest. It was to maintain my sanity. As I got longer stretches of sleep, I transferred him into a bassinet, then a crib.

Because he was my first, as he got to be an older baby, then a toddler, he snuck his way into my bed some nights. Once he got there, he did what he had done since he was in my womb – he paced. He literally swam laps from the top of the bed to the bottom all night long. It was the pits.

But co-sleeping when he was a newborn was a total lifesaver. So was putting him to sleep on his belly.

I tried not to feel guilty about either of those things, but I didn’t tell a lot of people, either, because I knew I was breaking the rules.