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Faith and Star Wars

Faith and Star Wars - What The Red Herring
Faith and Star Wars

Recently, I was braiding my teenage son’s hair while we watched Rogue One.

The droid said, “Congratulations. You are being rescued. Please do not resist.”

I thought, Boy. That sounds a lot like my faith walk. Let me write that down.

So I mentally repeated it to myself twenty times while I finished a braid. While my son jogged off to the bathroom to inspect my work in the mirror, I hopped on my browser to verify the wording of the quote.

I was raised in a Christian home. There was never a time when I wasn’t learning about Christian faith, at church or at home. I followed that with a Christian college, a couple of years back with my parents, and then married a Christian spouse.

I have been surrounded by a faith community my whole life.

For most of it, I have fought. I fight with fear, guilt, apathy, and stubbornness.

Why? The whole tenet of my faith is that it is free. I am being rescued! That is what drives us as Christians. We know something is wrong in our lives and our world, and our faith in Christ is there to make it right. All we are doing is saying yes.

It’s that deep, stubborn part of me that wants it to be easier than surrender. I want to be in control of things. I want to steer the ship! Why does it have to be surrender?

But it has to be surrender, because if it isn’t, we might try to take credit for our salvation. And it isn’t us, it is God.

So a drone spoke to my heart, to remind me to stop resisting, and just let God do his thing in my life.



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